Please takte note of the followings:
- 如果您正在接受长期药物治疗,或者您有任何健康问题,或者您在过去3-6个月内接受过外科手术,请在课程开始之前,告知您的瑜伽教练。
- 生活瑜伽的学生在参与课程都自动同意了豁免和发布表Waiver and Release Form中的条款和条件。请仔细阅读。
- If you are on long term medication or if you have any medical condition or if you had surgical operations in the past 3-6 months, kindly inform the yoga instructor on prior to the start of yoga lessons.
- Your participation of the classes in Living Yoga is bonded by the terms and conditions in the Waiver and Release Form. Please read them carefully.
- 请上课一小时前少食、三小前正餐。
- 注:有胃病者,请在课前一小时淸食。
• Please eat a light meal one hour before class. If proper meal, please take it three hours before class.
• Note: For those with gastric problem, please have a light, non-greasy snack an hour before class.
• 穿着舒适的瑜伽服,方便您做伸展和吸汗。
• Wear clothing that is comfortable to move, stretch, and sweat in.
• 课室里已经有瑜伽垫供大家使用。
• Yoga mat is provided at the studio.
- 报名后名额不可转让,任何未使用的课或错过的课不可退款。
- 建议您上网定课确保还有名额。
- 取消位额必须在课前12小时完成。逾期取消将导致课程从您的帐户中扣除。
- 所有其他条款和条件如有更改,恕不另行通知。
• All registrations are strictly not transferrable, and any sessions not utilised within the validity is not refundable.
• Online booking is compulsory. No prior bookings made will be denied entry.
• Cancellations must be done 12 hours prior to class. Late cancellations or no-shows will result in the class credit being deducted from your account.
• All other terms and conditions may be changed without prior notice
- 学员必须在开课前准时抵达。学员若迟到,老师保留不让进入课室的权力。
• Students are to be in class on time. Should student be late, our instructor reserves the rights to refuse entry.